







新年明けましておめでとう御座います。会員の皆様方には清々しい新春のスタートを切られたこととお喜び申し上げます。 今年は子干支、





Last night at 8:30 p.m., I returned to Osaka from Onikobe ski resort in Miyagi Prefecture.
Fifteen members of the Rotary Club of Funaba enjoyed skiing for three days in a row, while being laughed at by old people. The average age is over 60.
However, when we wrapped ourselves in ski wear, we were almost unknown in age, and all of the skiers were teenagers, but for some reason, karaoke at night was only enka.
The age difference in mind and body is definitely 30 years old. Anyway, it was a good time.

I’m on a business trip to Tokyo again tomorrow. So, I’m a little busy today. Since I don’t have time to write a blog
We will attach a manuscript to be published in the trade association’s bulletin.

“New Year’s talk.

I wish you a Happy New Year. I would like to congratulate our members on a fresh start to the new year. This year, the Chinese zodiac sign
The year of the start of the twelve children. This is the year of a fresh start under the law for our surveyors’ association. It is also the year of a fresh start for me in the turnaround of my life.

A good start is the key to everything. But that doesn’t mean we should get carried away. You have to relax your shoulders, occupy your asshole, and pay attention to your sub-umbilical dantian.
He hopes to make a fresh start in a state of nihilistic equanimity.

I started my association activities in 1981, in the third year of my company’s foundation, with the Choyukai, one of the four organizations in Japan.
Although it is an association, our friendship association was always surrounded by a harmonious atmosphere with the first priority being the friendship of people in the industry.
The meeting was a pleasant one with a banquet at an inn in Atami. However, in 1985, when the Osaka Prefecture ordinance problem arose, there was a growing momentum to unite the four groups, and so we started to work together to create a new organization.
The industry was unified in 1987, and the organization was approved as an incorporated association in the following year, 1963. Although there was a wide variety of issues within the association
To be honest, I was happy at the time. “My investigative work, which I had put my life’s work on, has finally seen the light of day. And every member wanted to “improve their social status.
However, in the meantime, the association was consumed with internal strife and could do little for the society.
As a result, they repeatedly separated and gathered in the original net, crying out for “improvement of social status” and moving toward “the lowering of social status”.
It was judged that it would be difficult to reform the industry’s self-cleansing actions and self-help efforts, and the lawmakers decided to enact a law to control the detective industry.
Some in the industry believe that the “Detective Act” is the result of industry activity and a victory for the industry, but I don’t see it that way.
It contains quite severe contents that, depending on how it is managed, could lead to the survival of the business itself. The Detective Business Act is legislative legislation.
It is not a solid foundation and is not made article by article.
The bill appears to have been passed unanimously, leaving an ambiguity that could be taken either way in order to pass the bill, depending on the interpretation.
Therefore, the future operation of the survey will be a double-edged sword for the industry, and whether it is a good or bad sword will, in a sense, depend on the efforts of our surveyors.
Now is the time for the industry to make a new start, and all the industry organizations must be united and return to the beginning to work on true association activities. And.
In three years’ time, when the business law will be reviewed, the industry should be able to grow in such a way that not only policing but also nurturing will be considered.
My biggest concern is that the new business law may prevent us from conducting proper investigations, which may cause problems for our clients.
The high and low fees, in a sense, depend on the results of the survey. The intent of the business law, to strive for “client protection,” is more accurate and
It is to conduct a more contented investigation. You should not be unable to respond to a request because you don’t comply with business laws.




  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
