About the fee

human resources research department

Recruitment survey
Period: 2 days
Survey fee: 48,000 yen
Contents of the survey: background, personality, health, work performance, reasons for retirement, living conditions
Recruitment survey
Period: 4 days
Survey fee: 60,000 - 100,000 yen
Contents of the survey: particularly in-depth surveys of key posts, executives, etc.
Special Personnel Survey Period: 5 days or more
Survey fee: 100,000 - 200,000 yen
Contents of the survey: Non-recruitment surveys, such as those related to people inside the company
Recruitment survey (special) Period: 1 month or more
Survey fee: 200,000-500,000 yen
Contents of the survey: talent list for scouting
Membership survey period: 5 days or more
Survey fee: 30,000 - 100,000 yen
Contents of the survey : survey of prospective members. Career, friendships and social credibility.
Various other
period: 2 days or more
Survey Fee: Separate Estimate

credit check department

Credit check (corporate) Period: 2 weeks
Survey fee: 100,000 yen or more
Contents of research: Company profile, clients, banks, cash flow, performance, future prospects, etc.
Credit check (individual) Period: 2 weeks
Survey fee: 100,000 yen or more
Contents of the survey: Management's background, personalities, business partners, banks, assets, etc.
Asset Survey Period: 1 week or more
Survey fee: 100,000 yen or more
Contents of investigation: movable property, real estate, receivables and payables, etc.
On the patent trademark. Period: more than one month
Survey Fee : Separate Estimate
Contents of the investigation: understanding the substance of infringement of a patent or trademark and collecting evidence

Behavioral research department

Background check period: not included
Survey fee : 150,000 yen to 1 day
Contents of the investigation: investigation that requires a follow-up or enclosure
Location survey period: separately
Survey fee : 300,000 yen or more + contingency fee
Contents of Investigation : Finding missing persons such as runaways and evaporation
Bug detection period: not included
Survey fee: 100,000 yen or more
Contents of the investigation: Discovery of wiretaps in phones and offices, etc.

Analysis and Research Division

Production Period: 1 month or more
Survey Fee : Separate Estimate
Contents of the survey: Production sites, production facilities, production system, production results, specific products, etc.
Field of development Production Period: 1 month or more
Survey Fee : Separate Estimate
Contents of the survey: Production sites, production facilities, production system, production results, specific products, etc.
Sales Field Period : 1 month or more
Survey Fee : Separate Estimate
Contents of the survey: Sales structure, sales routes, sales performance, customers, distributors, wholesalers, etc.
Management Strategy Period: 1 month or more
Survey Fee: Separate Estimate
Survey contents: Medium- and long-term management plans, competitive business strategies, M&A business strategies, and personnel strategies
  • The above rates are standard rates (excluding consumption tax). Fees may vary depending on the nature of the individual survey and what is specified.
  • Transportation and other expenses required for the survey will be charged separately.
  • A regional surcharge of 5,000 yen will be charged if you use the Internet outside the Kansai and Kanto areas.
  • We may charge a separate fee in case of a rush.

Contact us

No matter the screening, we perform our investigations with consideration to all civil liberties. Screenings involving discrimination against certain groups and communities will not be accepted. Cases that may be connected to stalking or other criminal activity will also be rejected.

  • Contact by form
  • Request a quote

Investigation Services

  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
  • Information Security Policy (ISMS Basic Policy) ISO/IEC27001:2013(JIS Q 27001:2014)