Information Leaking Risk Management

Thinking “We’ll be fine” is the most dangerous stance for a business.

Taking measures against internal fraud throughout the whole organization is a must. All businesses have multiple avenues from which information can be leaked.

According to research, 80% of information leaks are from internal sources. Theft, information leaks, etc. by internal staff is a reality; therefore allowing new staff to use the computers of former employees, without taking any specific measures, is not advisable from a risk management perspective.

Monitoring PC use by logging activities is the first way of protecting business assets. As well as logging, you can prepare in other ways for events that may seem low probability. For example, measures like installing equipment such as security cameras into computers, so you can react quickly when information leakage occurs.

One way to take measures against such instances is by protecting the hard disks of former employees. If an information leak is suspected, a forensic investigation can be made on the hard disk ? analysing the restored data and recovering any evidence of improper actions.

Although the leaking of personal information is an issue that frequently occurs, data breaches from within companies are largely kept quiet. This is because there is no prerogative for businesses to make public when a confidential data leak has occurred, but in actuality the damages incurred by businesses in such cases is severe, and so can develop in to challenging situations for management to deal with.

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Pre-forensic data storage investigation
Period: From 2 weeks
Investigation Fee: From 290,000 yen

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No matter the screening, we perform our investigations with consideration to all civil liberties. Screenings involving discrimination against certain groups and communities will not be accepted. Cases that may be connected to stalking or other criminal activity will also be rejected.

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Investigation Services

  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
  • Information Security Policy (ISMS Basic Policy) ISO/IEC27001:2013(JIS Q 27001:2014)