このメモの価値のあるところは、稀に自分が書いたと思えない筆跡が残ってることです。初めはまったく意味不明(笑) しかし、数日後に起こる出来事や目にしたものとリンクしてその謎が解けます。
It’s a pen and a note that’s always on my pillow, a habit I’ve had since I was 15 years old, so I’ve been doing it for 36 years.
What I thought of before I fell asleep.
Ideas that spring up shortly after waking up in the middle of the night
Supplementary information for tomorrow’s schedule
I write something every day.
The valuable thing about these notes is that on rare occasions, I’m left with handwriting that I don’t think I wrote. At first it doesn’t make any sense at all (lol), but when you link it to what you see and what happens a few days later, the mystery is solved.
I have received many miraculous (doesn’t he think so ^_^) messages with that content.
Also known as the Space Memo.
I’ll write more about it when I get a chance.